
NS-EN ISO 14001:2015

Ledelsessystemer for miljø - Spesifikasjon med veiledning (ISO 14001:2015)

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NS-EN ISO 14001 er den internasjonale standarden som angir anerkjente metoder for systematisk miljøledelse. Standarden passer for alle typer virksomheter, både store og små.

Standarden bidrar med systemer for å redusere organisasjonens negative effekt på miljøet. Dette omfatter energiforbruk, håndtering av avfall, etterlevelse av miljøkrav og reguleringer, leverandørkrav og ressursplanlegging. Den er med andre ord relevant for enhver offentlig, privat eller ideell organisasjon som ønsker å redusere utslipp og energiforbruk, eller på andre måter ønsker å opptre mer miljøvennlig.

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ISO 14001:2015 specifies the requirements for an environmental management system that an organization can use to enhance its environmental performance. ISO 14001:2015 is intended for use by an organization seeking to manage its environmental responsibilities in a systematic manner that contributes to the environmental pillar of sustainability.ISO 14001:2015 helps an organization achieve the intended outcomes of its environmental management system, which provide value for the environment, the organization itself and interested parties. Consistent with the organization's environmental policy, the intended outcomes of an environmental management system include:· enhancement of environmental performance;· fulfilment of compliance obligations;· achievement of environmental objectives.ISO 14001:2015 is applicable to any organization, regardless of size, type and nature, and applies to the environmental aspects of its activities, products and services that the organization determines it can either control or influence considering a life cycle perspective. ISO 14001:2015 does not state specific environmental performance criteria.ISO 14001:2015 can be used in whole or in part to systematically improve environmental management. Claims of conformity to ISO 14001:2015, however, are not acceptable unless all its requirements are incorporated into an organization's environmental management system and fulfilled without exclusion.


  • Standard fra SN
  • Publisert:
  • Utgave: 2015-09
  • Versjon: 1
  • Varetype: NAT
  • Products.Specs.pages
  • ICS 03.100.70
  • ICS 13.020.10
  • National Committee ISO/TC 207/SC 1

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  • Adoptert fra: EN ISO 14001:2015, 0

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