
NS-EN ISO 19011:2018


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NS-EN ISO 19011 er et nyttig redskap for alle som er involvert i ulike typer revisjoner, internkontroll, verifikasjon og tilsyn. Standarden egner seg for både store og små virksomheter, uavhengig av hva virksomheten driver med.

Les mer om NS-EN ISO 19011 på våre fagsider


Vi holder jevnlig kurs i NS-EN ISO 19011 og andre relaterte standarder innenfor ledelsessystemer.


This document provides guidance on auditing management systems, including the principles of auditing, managing an audit programme and conducting management system audits, as well as guidance on the evaluation of competence of individuals involved in the audit process. These activities include the individual(s) managing the audit programme, auditors and audit teams. It is applicable to all organizations that need to plan and conduct internal or external audits of management systems or manage an audit programme. The application of this document to other types of audits is possible, provided that special consideration is given to the specific competence needed.


  • Standard fra SN
  • Publisert:
  • Utgave: 2018-07
  • Versjon: 1
  • Varetype: NAT
  • Products.Specs.pages
  • National Committee SN/K 205
  • ICS 13.020.10
  • ICS 99.220.10
  • ICS 03.100.70
  • ICS 03.120.20

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