
NEK IEC 62148-11:2024


Merknad: Denne standarden har en ny utgave: NEK IEC 62148-11:2024

Rettelser og tillegg kjøpes separat.



IEC 62148-11:2024 covers physical interface specifications for 14-pin modulator integrated laser diode transmitter modules and for 14-pin pump laser diode modules. This document specifies the physical requirements of modulator integrated laser diode modules and pump laser diode modules to enable mechanical interchangeability of modules complying with this document, both at the printed circuit board level and with respect to panel mounting requirements. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2009. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:a) change of the document title to better reflect the type of modules covered by this document;b) separation of the electrical and mechanical interface specifications for modulator integrated laser diode modules and for pump laser diode modules into independent subclauses;c) updates of the dimensions specified in Figure 4 to reflect the latest market situation;d) removal of former subclause 6.3 ("Drawings of footprint").


  • Standard fra NEK
  • Publisert:
  • Utgave: 3.0
  • Versjon: 1
  • Varetype: NAT
  • Products.Specs.pages
  • ICS 33.180.20
  • National Committee NEK/NK86


  • Adoptert fra: IEC 62148-11:2024