
ISO 20658:2023

Historisk utkast

Merknad: Denne standarden har en ny utgave: ISO 20658:2023

Rettelser og tillegg kjøpes separat.



This document specifies requirements and good practice recommendations for the collection and transport of samples intended for medical laboratory examinations. This document is applicable to medical laboratories and service providers, which can be independent from the medical laboratory, involved in laboratory pre-examination processes that include the examination request, patient preparation and identification, sample collection and transport. It can also be applicable to some biobanks. This document does not apply to blood and blood products intended for transfusion, e.g. red blood cells, platelets, fresh frozen plasma, but can cover the collection and transport of donor samples for testing. NOTE International, national or regional regulations or requirements can also apply to specific topics covered in this document.


  • Standard fra ISO
  • Publisert:
  • Utgave: 1
  • Versjon: 1
  • Varetype: IS
  • Products.Specs.pages
  • ICS 11.100.01
  • ISO TC ISO/TC 212