
NS-EN 16510-2-4:2022


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This document is applicable to independent boiler appliances for solid fuel with a nominal output up to 50 kW (hand and automatically fired independent boilers (hereafter called appliances)). The indented use of the appliances is space heating in residential buildings. This happens directly or via provision of hot water for central heating. They are designed for use only with open vented systems at a working pressure not exceeding 2 bar. The appliances can burn one or more types of the following solid fuels as specified: - wood logs; - compressed untreated wood; - wood pellets; - lignite briquettes; - solid mineral fuels; - peat briquettes. The appliances are operated closed and/or open. The appliances are typed according to their tightness depending on their designation in accordance with a possible operation together with a room ventilation system. This document is not applicable for: - appliances for hot water only production and heat output < 5 kW; - automatic stoking devices. This document specifies procedures for assessment and verification of constancy of performance (AVCP) of characteristics of solid fuel burning independent boiler appliances.

Document information

  • Standard from SN
  • Published:
  • Edition: 2022-12
  • Version: 1
  • Document type: NAT
  • Pages
  • ICS 91.140.65
  • ICS 97.100.30
  • National Committee SN/K 83

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