
NORSOK R-001:2017


Corrigendums and amendments are bought separately.


Information about supplementary files

This standard has supplementary files.
You will find the document(s) under "Zip" in the left-hand column when you open the standard digitally.

Additional requirements

This standard has additional requirements from the following companies: ConocoPhillips
Registration is needed to view the requirements.


This standard describes technical requirements for the design, manufacturing, assembling, product inspection, and installation and testing of mechanical equipment, except lifting equipment. The requirements of this standard and the relevant data sheets of annex A are covering the mechanical requirements of the following equipment categories: Pumps, compressors, gas turbines, reciprocating combustion engines, transmissions, expanders, steam turbines, lubrication and seal oil systems, base plates, centrifuges, cyclones, pressure retaining equipment (incl. heat exchangers, etc.), atmospheric tanks , electric motors and generators.

Document information

  • Standard from SN
  • Published:
  • Edition: 4
  • Version: 1
  • Document type: NAT
  • Pages
  • National Committee NORSOK/EG R
  • ICS 75.180.01
  • ICS 75.180.20

Product Relations

Product life cycle