
ISO 81346-12:2018

Historical draft

Note: This standard has a new edition: ISO 81346-12:2018

Corrigendums and amendments are bought separately.



This document establishes rules for structuring of systems and the formulation of reference designations and provides classes for systems in the field of construction works and building services. This document also specifies a classification of objects and corresponding letter codes for use in reference designations of object occurences. This document is not intended for manufacturers or system-related designations of individuals (e.g. inventory number or serial number) or for product types (e.g. article number or parts number).

Document information

  • Standard from ISO
  • Published:
  • Edition: 1
  • Version: 1
  • Document type: IS
  • Pages
  • ICS 01.110
  • ISO TC ISO/TC 10/SC 10

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