
NEK ISO/IEC 8208:2000


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This International Standard specifies the procedures, formats andfacilities at the Packet Layer for Data Terminal Equipment (DTE)operating in conformance with ITU-T Recommendation X.25.Both Virtual Call and Permanent Virtual Circuit modes ofoperation are covered.The Packet Layer protocol specified herein can be used in bothOpen Systems Interconnection (OSI) and non-OSI environments.When used within the context of OSI, the Packet Layer protocolis encompassed in the Network Layer of the OSI ReferenceModel, ITU-T Rec. X.200 | ISO/IEC 7498-1.This International Standard covers DTE operation at the PacketLayer when accessing a public or private packet-switchednetwork conforming to ITU-T Recommendation X.25 by meansof a dedicated path or a circuit-switched connection. It alsocovers the additional Packet Layer procedures necessary for twoDTEs conforming to this International Standard to communicatedirectly (i.e., without an intervening packet-switched network)over a dedicated path, a circuit-switched connection, or a localarea network (LAN).This International Standard also covers private networks that useITU-T Recommendation X.25 to connect to packet-switchedpublic data networks and that may also offer an X.25 interface toa DTE (see annex A).To evaluate conformance of a particular implementation, it isnecessary to have a statement of which capabilities and optionshave been implemented. Such a statement is called a ProtocolImplementation Conformance Statement (PICS), as defined inITU-T Rec. X.290 | ISO/IEC 9646-1. Annex B provides the PICSproforma in accordance with the relevant guidance given in ITUTRec. X.296 | ISO/IEC 9646-7.The first edition of this International Standard was based on the1984 CCITT Red Book text of Recommendation X.25. It alsocontained the necessary provisions for compatibility with theearlier 1980 CCITT Yellow Book text of Recommendation X.25.The second edition was based on the 1988 CCITT Blue Booktext of Recommendation X.25. The third edition is based uponthe 1993 version of X.25. This fourth edition is based on the1996 version of X.25. Retained within this fourth edition are thenecessary provisions for compatibility with the 1993, 1988, 1984and 1980 versions of X.25. The differences between variouseditions of this International Standard are summarized in annexC.CCITT Recommendation X.613 (1992) | ISO/IEC 10588 : 1993,Information technology Use of X.25 Packet Layer Protocol inconjunction with X.21/X.21bis to provide the OSI connectionmodeNetwork ServiceCCITT Recommendation X.614 (1992) | ISO/IEC 10732 : 1993,Information technology Use of X.25 Packet Layer Protocol toprovide the OSI connection-mode Network Service over thetelephone network


  • Standard fra NEK
  • Publisert:
  • Utgave: 4.0
  • Versjon: 1
  • Varetype: NAT
  • Products.Specs.pages
  • ICS 35.100.30
  • National Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6